2004-03-08 09:00:00Ru

Networking with other professionals

最近在讀這本書 "Children's Solution Work " Insoo Kim Berg 及 Therese Steiner 合著的書,Insoo 是 Solution-Focused Brief Therapy 的元老級人物, 她也是 the Director of the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA.


' 1. Be sure to keep in mind your goal with the client and parent. '
i.e. How the concern would be helpful for th child?

' 2. Reframing as a usful tool. '
i.e. conflicts between colleagues- It was apparent that you all thought about what is best for the child and want the best chance for the child to succeed in the school/program, and it would be worthwhile to investigate which approach might be the most useful.

' 3. Always compliment other professionals and always give the credit to someone else. '
i.e. If the child begins to do better since starting therpy with you, give the credit to the teacher/parent for having laid for all hte important foundations for the child to finally bloom.

' 4.Summarize and periodically remind the child of the professinals' good intentions. '

' 5. Make liberal use of tentative language. '
i.e. "It seems..." "It sounds like what you really want is..." "I wonder..." "Perhaps..." "Could it be..."

Berg, I. K. & Steiner, T. (2003). Children's Solution Work. New York: W. W. Norton.