2006-08-22 19:23:37多多小姐*yaru

to 葵

The mother’s day to remember

The month of May arrived with a welcome sunshine. However, it was all Maggie could do to even notice. Between school, the swim team, piano lessons, and all her other activities, she was busy seven nights a week. She would burst into the house, often leaving a trail of school books, gym clothes, and sheet music behind her, and run off to her next activity.

Maggie’s mother, Mrs. Carey, was glad her daughter was busy and independent. She warmly remembered a time when her daughter couldn’t bear to be separated from her. On Maggie’s first day at kindergarten, she wouldn’t stop crying. To ease her daughter’s fears, Mrs. Carey gave her a little stuffed bunny. “Whenever you get scared, just hold the bunny tight, and all your fears will go away,” she told Maggie.

Later that night, Mrs. Carey walked down the hallway and peered through the slightly open door into Maggie’s room. There was her daughter. Her face was buried in a book, and her shoulders were rising and falling in a deep sleep. Mrs. Carey helped her daughter into bed, and tucked her in.

As the days marched by, Maggie didn’t seem to notice the Mother’s Day decorations going up in all the shops. Mrs. Carey watched her daughter, amazed at her energy, but at the same time a little worried. Still, she was Maggie’s biggest fan.

Maggie was a success in nearly everything she did. Her room was like a giant trophy case. One day, Mrs. Carey was polishing her daughter’s trophy collection, when something caught her eye. It was the old stuffed bunny, wedged in behind a swimming award. She remembered when she and her daughter used to be so close. Baking cookies together, teaching her to ride a bike, teaching her very first song on the piano. Seeing the bunny, neglected and forgotten, gave her a sense of loss.

Maggie sat at school, eating her lunch while studying. It was the day before Mother’s Day. Suddenly, she tuned in to what her friends were talking about. “So what did you guys get your moms for Mother’s Day?” asked her best friend Heather. “Oh no!” thought Maggie. “I forgot all about it!” Maggie realized how long it had been since she had talked to her mother.

Maggie rushed home after school. She grabbed her sheet music, and went directly to her piano lesson. Then she hurried back home to study for an exam. That night, Maggie still hadn’t been able to think of anything for her mom. She turned her attention to studying for her math exam, and then sadly turned off the light. Soon she fell asleep.

On Mother’s day, Mrs. Carey woke up, and walked downstairs for her usual lonely breakfast. Maggie usually had swimming practice on Sunday mornings, but this morning Maggie was sitting at the table. She had made pancakes and bacon, and set two places. In the middle of the table was the stuffed bunny.

“Shouldn’t you be at swim practice by now?” asked Mrs. Carey. “Normally, yeah,” said Maggie. “But today is Mother’s Day. I thought we could spend the whole day together. Maybe bake some cookies, or go for a bike ride. Anything you want to do.” “But what about you other activities?” asked her mother. “Consider them cancelled for the day,” said Maggie. “Today it’s just you and me.” Mrs. Carey gave her beloved daughter a big warm hug. Maggie had given her the most precious gift of all: her time.