2006-02-06 18:46:58小鴨

Close down

More opportunities...........
Um...I am tired.I don’t want to type any think about before what i had done.Firstly,i had worried about the second semester.To be honest, just worry the subject used a difficult english (to me,that too professional ),so i am work hard to study.I hope my head to be keen-witted. Secondly,i am thinking about close down the pchome diary,why??Because no one gonna read,so close down may be good for me to spend more time for study.Er...no one have any suggestion for me??If no,just close down from now. Haha ...are you feeling i am strange now??Of cause.just the same withji-yan.

Lastly,i wanna wish my friends.From now to future,please ring me using English or Putonwa,no cantonese today.I needs more and more opportunities to practice.Because we are an international tertiary institution student.(From my president -cmaychu)

Aja aja fighting!