2009-10-09 14:32:45Ying

三上 Unit 3 if 講義



If 句型 If + 主詞  + 現在式動詞 ~,  主詞 + will /can  +  原形動詞 ~~.  




 If he comes here tomorrow, I will tell him the story. (如果他明天來這裡,我會告訴他那故事。)

 If Mary goes there tomorrow, she can meet her teachers. (如果瑪麗明天去那裡,她會遇到她的老師們。




1.  如果Mary明天去台南, 她會去拜訪她姑姑.

      If Mary _____ ___  Tainan tomorrow, she w_____  _____  her aunt.

2.  如果Jack明天去打籃球, 他會遇到很多國中生.

     If Jack  _____  playing basketball tomorrow, he w_____  _____  many junior students.


if練習 2:

1.  ( )If it    , I will stay at home. 

() is raining () will rain () rains () didn’t rain

2.  If you ______  the doctor, you _________  feel better.

Asee, will Bsaw, × Cwill see, will Dsaw, will

3.( ) If you ______ clean your room, your mother  ______ very angry.

Awon’t, will be Bdidn’t, will Cwill see, will be Ddon’t, will be