2007-06-06 16:37:55Eileen


ok FINE im tired of being the one who always tries to keep the relationship going
我懶得再主動打給你了 我也懶得再叫你打給我
就說了明天再講 你偏要打給我 打來又是吵一吵不歡而散
then what is the purpose?? i told u not to call me
你不懂阿 你不懂就算了
u have ur point and i have my point, tats it
the problem is 你太暴躁了, seriously, u should change it
ur temper rises so easily
i was like "ok, fine, then lets talk tomorrow", and then u became pissed and said all the shit to me,,,i really dont know how to react,,,NO I DONT KNOW,,, i wasnt really arguing with you, i just said like,,fine u dont hav time tonight so lets talk tmr,,,but then,,,u started like.."ohh so ur saying its all my fault?! why am i always the one who says sorry when we are arguing blahblahblah",,,oh excuse me, its BS,,,i didnt say its ur fault,,,i wasnt pointing finger or trying to figure out whose fault was it,,,MY POINT IS,,,LETS TALK TOMORROW,,period. ok,i have to say tat im disappointed cuz i was gonna ask u to help me move out next tuesday so tat we can get 2 free movie tickets...i was all excited to tell you about it..but then u ignored me on MSN so i was pissed,,,ok,,,i accpeted ur explaination,,,after tat i just felt like maybe its better to talk about it tmr since ur too busy to talk to me,,,tats the whole point,,,why would it be my fault afterward,,,-_- its true tat u said u were too busy and u didnt have time,,,U SAID IT sir,,,OMG,,,i cant believe a high school student has more works to do than a college student,,u dont know how to manage the time well,,tats ur problem,,,dont blame me and mad at me when u cant finish ur works,,,