2004-07-08 17:33:50理查
理查日前無意間發現美國麻省理工學院(MIT)將其教授的上課內容;成立一個名為《開放式課程網頁》(Opencourseware)的網站將其免費分享出來,給任何有需要的人;不論你是學生或社會人士要自修、或是大學教授要備課,只要符合非商業化用圖及註明出處,並秉持著將知識持續分享的精神,就可以無償參考取用。理查受此精神感召,因此加入由《魔戒三部曲》小說的中文譯者朱學恒所發起的MIT Opencourseware中文化翻譯計劃,認養了其中兩門課程的翻譯義工工作,所以組織為非營利性質;所有義工都是無償奉獻自己的服務,包括朱學恒本人。
麻省理工學院的開放式課程網頁(MIT Opencourseware)是麻省理工學院為了促進知識共享,打破資訊鴻溝所進行的破天荒計畫。他們預計在五年內將全校的兩千門課程全部上線,目前已經有七百零一門課程上線,包括全美排名第一的電機與資訊科系,以及全世界商學院排名第九,注重創業與創新科技的史隆管理學院課程,所有的資訊只要符合非商業化、註明出處和同樣分享的要求,使用者就可以自由的進行改寫、翻譯和轉載。
This site is maintained and translated by a group of volunteers. We believe OCW should be localized by using open source modules and applications.(And of course, open source way of thinking) We also believe that the best way to show our gratitude to those who provide their knowledge openly, is to share our own knowledge and to pass it on.
Our volunteers are all Chinese-speaking people who live in Taiwan, Mainland China, America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Swiss, Germany, and Japan…etc. There are 285 volunteers translating 350courses in our project.
Our project is called Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System, OOPS. We are currently trying to move the content onto WIKI system. Later, we hope to help other developing countries to implement their own open source localization project. The way we are doing it maybe far from the mainstream value, but we do believe it should be done this way.
麻省理工學院的開放式課程網頁(MIT Opencourseware)是麻省理工學院為了促進知識共享,打破資訊鴻溝所進行的破天荒計畫。他們預計在五年內將全校的兩千門課程全部上線,目前已經有七百零一門課程上線,包括全美排名第一的電機與資訊科系,以及全世界商學院排名第九,注重創業與創新科技的史隆管理學院課程,所有的資訊只要符合非商業化、註明出處和同樣分享的要求,使用者就可以自由的進行改寫、翻譯和轉載。
This site is maintained and translated by a group of volunteers. We believe OCW should be localized by using open source modules and applications.(And of course, open source way of thinking) We also believe that the best way to show our gratitude to those who provide their knowledge openly, is to share our own knowledge and to pass it on.
Our volunteers are all Chinese-speaking people who live in Taiwan, Mainland China, America, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Swiss, Germany, and Japan…etc. There are 285 volunteers translating 350courses in our project.
Our project is called Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System, OOPS. We are currently trying to move the content onto WIKI system. Later, we hope to help other developing countries to implement their own open source localization project. The way we are doing it maybe far from the mainstream value, but we do believe it should be done this way.