2010-12-14 23:56:44瀅その夜すぐ

I closed my facebook


I closed my facebook!!

This is because that facebook always bothered me to study.

I still wanted to open my facebook.


I tell myself you need to wait , you can open your facebook in the weekend.

I hope that I can contiune my goal but I think this is a little difficult for me.

I try to forget facebook since I have a final exam next week.


my friend said that it is not convenient for her.

This due to the fact that she couldn't use facebook to communicate with me.

She wanted to ask me about SSP questions.

She couldn't understand what grammars we need to preview.


she doesn't know what grammar's form are.

I am sorry about her because I closed it.

I didn't know why I closed it yesterday.

Maybe I want to reduce time in my subconscious so I closed it down.

It is better for me,I need to know more vocabularies.

My writing teacher told me your writing is the simple English.

I think that it means I did't use difficult in my essay.

Now I do my best to remember vocabularies.

But it is so difficult things.

I discover facebook is very important thing in my live.

- The end -

I don't know what I need to say in English!!

This is my first time try to write English essay!

I hope that this essay didn't have too many mistakes!!

- Claire -