2022-12-06 22:29:34拉斐爾

Dec,6,FRF center hope Daiwanese learn thank you foreigner

Dec,6,FRF center hope Taiwanese learn thank you foreigner .Our Gas,our petrol,our steel,our phone,our telephone,our smartphone,our textbook,our electric power,our veichale,all from foreigner donates and cheaper selling.
For this,lasting 70+ years, we should thanks foreigner,"Never thanks to Republic of china".We should work for foreigner,Arabic countries,Egypt,AUE,Syria,Iraq,Iran,Yemen,and China,Chile,Vietnam,Indonesia, Philippines,Korea,Russia Federal,Because Copper, petroleum,iron,gas,power plants,Samsung smartphone,China's plastic,China's PCB,China's LED,China's Pannel, infrastructure labour,and more others minerals.
So,We Daiwanese,should say Daiwan,actually,we should help,donates,even die for Arabic,Chile(智利),and others,those countries be buried by Republic of china,Republic of china hate them so much, Republic of china hate Arabic,hate Chile,hate Vietnam,hate Philippines,hate Indonesian,hate Russia Federal,hate China,what ever,Republic of china also hate us Daiwanese,Republic of China's people more rich more hate us,they position high name,say Daiwanese all garbage,they really said that,Republic of china people are old men,60+ years old,they should die in future,in future they no longer exist.they hold their TWD and their power to die to die with their Republic of china power.final thanks Japanese commercial.
Formosa Races Freedom