2008-11-23 22:54:55°☆稚气〃奶茶﹏★♂

邦喬飛Bon Jovi×╳♡You give love a bad name﹏★

You give love a bad name

Shot through the heart             射穿心臟

And you're to blame              你遭受譴責

You give love a bad name           你敗壞了愛的名聲

An angel's smile is what you sell         你販賣的是天使的微笑

You promise me heaven, then put me through hell  你承諾給我天堂,然後把我扔進地獄

Chains of love got a hold on me          愛的鎖鍊綑綁了我

When passion's a prison, you can't break free    當激情是牢籠,你無法掙脫

You're a loaded gun              你是一把上膛的槍

There's nowhere to run             無處可逃

No one can save me              沒有人救得了我

The damage is done              傷害已經造成

*Shot through the heart             射穿心臟

And you're to blame              你遭受譴責

You give love a bad name            你敗壞了愛的名聲

I play my part and you play your game      我扮演著我的角色,你玩著你的遊戲

You give love a bad name            你敗壞了愛的名聲

You give love a bad name            你敗壞了愛的名聲

Paint your smile on your lips           在唇上塗抹著笑容

Blood red nails on your fingertips         在指尖上塗著血紅的指甲

A school boy's dream, you act so shy       像小學生的綺夢,你狀似嬌羞

Your very first kiss was your first kiss goodbye    你的初吻也是分手之吻

You're a loaded gun              你是一把上膛的槍

There's nowhere to run             無處可逃

No one can save me              沒有人救得了我

The damage is done (*)            傷害已經造成
2008-11-30 22:01:58

是不是..Bon Jovi的歌好聽 XD&quot

系阿係阿"=) 2008-12-03 22:21:54