Animal Farm
Life is just like the author mentioned in the story, it’s “A thing no one could object to in itself.”
Thus, “Why, work night and day, body and soul, for the overthrow of the human race.”… Maybe human race is just a kind of instance here and it may replaced by any other words which were existed objectively opposite to subjects.
We are nothing but a spark of time which was limited by social standards, laws, ethics… and so on.
Those thoughts made by people who create such a thing called politics, economy, education… etc.
They were just a maximum of individual collections turned into culture and then histories.
There’s nothing equal and fair but time in this real world.
The things between clues and facts were what you believe, your own values.
And that’s what makes you feel tranquil and worthy of life.
Everyone try hard to seize the aims which were set as a dream to achieve in our short lives.
The goals were like the hunger or the desire which you can find your motivation.
Without that, life will be pale, boring, and meaningless and whole the activities running between people and countries will turn to motiveless.
As we all know, we ain’t able to take anything away from life while the end of our lives.
Thus, it’s just the same idea as you ain’t going to possess anything valuable in reality.
There goes an idea like something worth to live for… and I believe it’s “love”.
Love can be experienced and expressed by the behavior such as consideration, sympathy, toleration, forgiveness, dedication and so on.
Life is not a windfall that you can possess it without any effort.
Therefore, don’t get influences by those fading away your passions to be positive; don’t give up for the reasons afraid of suffering injuries.
﹝Be the change you want to see in the world.﹞… Mahatma Gandhi
Spirit Code: 201011101541
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