2010-04-21 01:38:11Renee

The Circle

Recently, I start to learn English on the internet by GVO.

It’s wonderful to talk to people in different language.

You can feel the subtle difference from people who’s come from different country.

I always interest in things about human’s soul, mind, culture, behavior … and so on.

Isn’t it magically that human creating a method called “language” to make communication connecting?

A stranger is a mystery like a planet you’ve never been; therefore, you just stretch your feelers by language and explain yourself by tones.

Feelings are meticulous; so every receptor has their own imaginations.

And “talk” is the way people try to shorten and decrease the errors and inaccuracies.

Then, the individual beings, languages, and communications make time worth and full of meaning.

All the things on this earth are circular.


Spirit Code: 201004210129

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