Will Fukushima joined with Three Mile Island and Chernobyl become the notorious nuclear disaster trio? Such an idea is just too awful to think of, but it looks like Fukushima is progressing on the course joining the infamous predecessors.
I remembered well that when government promoted nuclear power plant project in Taiwan, Japan was always the example that government gave to show the cleanness, safety, and environmental-friendly operation. With the rising of China, whose furious development and insatiable appetite toward energy drastically boosted the price. Not-so-popular resource of energy, nuclear, turned out to be favorable alternative as a kind of cheap and clean source of energy.
I have been opposing nuclear power, though I knew very well that meant high-priced electricity. However, I believed high-priced electricity will also boost alternative industry, such like solar power, production of alternative energy, energy-efficient design …etc.
Mr. Lin’s (林義雄) wished to build a non-nuclear homeland, and has been advocating for it for long. He walked around the island of Formosa on foot to promote and advertise the idea several times. He sat in on the pavement in front of Executive Yuan asking the administration to put Nuclear Power Plant 4 in referendum before its construction. I wished to have joined Mr. Lin’s long walk or sit-in. No matter such a goal is achieved, at least, it reflected the conscience. Those who study on nuclear are also meant to bring with better lives & well-being, which I am quite sure. Perhaps, the best way is we curb our desire and learn to live more modest lives.
We’re living in a society of majority-rule democracy; however, the system itself left much to be manipulated. The tricks commonly seen are point of order (procedural), mass-media (propaganda), mud-sling, purported public polls…etc. Well, no matter such tricks employed on nuclear issue in Taiwan or not, asking for a referendum on nuclear power plant is decent.
The failure of nuclear power plants in Three Mile Island & Chernobyl was resulted from human error, Fukushima, nature disaster. Can anyone be sure of the operation will be free from either factor here? “To err is human.” Isn’t this byword telling us that human is destined to make error?
Mar. 13, 2011, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China