唯一的限制就只是我的想像力-丹尼·麥克阿思吉爾(Danny MacAskill)
這位丹尼·麥克阿思吉爾(Danny MacAskill)是John非常推崇的單車騎士,看過他在YouTube上的影片後,真的只能以神乎其技來形容,他和單車可以說做到人車和一的境界了。在紐約時報的訪問中他甚至說:「我在單車上比我雙腳站在地面上還有信心。」(I'm more comfortable on my bike than I'm on my feet.)
而他的影片去(2009)年四月十九日上傳到 YouTube 上(引用於紐約時報的報導中,如下),至今九個月,已有1,456萬多人次的瀏覽了。也是
YouTube 有史以來最受歡迎的運動類影片。
Bravo! Danny MacAskill!
December 29, 2009
A Stunt Cyclist’s Tour de FenceBy CAROL WALLACE
EDINBURGH — Like his fellow Scot Susan Boyle, who made a meteoric entry into show business, the stunt bicyclist Danny MacAskill can divide his life in two: before his YouTube video and after.Eight months ago, MacAskill’s daily routine was fairly predictable. He would leave the apartment he shares with a roommate, hop on his bike and maneuver through strangling traffic to his job as a bicycle mechanic.Along his route, he passed a metal fence with a spiky top. He had eyed it for years.“I’d look at it and say, ‘I can ride that rail,’ ”said MacAskill, 24.He eventually got up the nerve, and the subsequent 30-second trick — which took four days to shoot — became the jaw-dropping highlight of a 5-minute-37-second video posted on YouTube in April.The video shows MacAskill on his bike, jumping over fences, walls and other obstacles; doing a back flip off a tree; riding the spiky fence; and performing other hair-raising stunts that could make him the toast of orthopedic surgeons everywhere.“I am more comfortable on my bike than I am on my feet,” he said.The video was filmed over six months by his roommate, Dave Sowerby. It made MacAskill an instant inspiration to a generation of young cyclists. With more than 13 million views, it is the Top Favorited sports video in YouTube history, according to the Web site’s statistics.Within days, MacAskill’s life was upended.