2009-07-20 02:05:35frank
[France] 法國女孩子的魅力
讀了倫敦泰晤士報上得這篇文章,才發現原來法國女孩子擁有這般的魅力,凡是男人都無法擋吧!這位 Shane Watson 筆下的法國女優雅、慧頡、自然、率真、不僅風情萬種,還流露著充滿自信的餘裕。看到標題時,以為原來英國男人迷法國妞,大概就像台客(雖然愛的是台妹)迷日本妞一樣。我想不僅是台客迷日本妞連台妹也愛-「啊!卡哇伊!(ああ、かわい。)」 -日本妹最迷人的特質就是可愛吧。以前一位同事告訴我,她就是想裝可愛才學日語的。那語尾長音的ne(ね)或yo(よ)的確是裝可愛的利器,尤其又是使用大量來自日本的可愛元素(服飾與配件、手機吊飾, Hello Kitty,...etc.)之後。相對日本女性以童稚的一面來表傳達魅力,法國妞就成熟了許多,呈現的是女人的形象。
「...法國女孩子像舞者一般(被抬著)移動著,她們就是知道怎麼繫上圍(領)巾,蓬鬆凌亂又自然的頭髮、嘟嘴的方式、直接的凝視...就是這樣迷人。事實上,她們不瘦也不胖,就是非常的女性;對皮膚感到無比自信的自在。她們都有一個共同的特徵:對自己女性魅力無法撼動的自信,就像是天生的一般。她們絕不....」「法國女孩子不會去美白自己的牙齒,或假造古銅色的膚色;她們有粗眼睫毛及牙齒本身的琺瑯質,她們身上的體毛比所有好萊塢一線女星加起來都還要多。如果說我們對她們比以往更加著迷,那是因為當這世界其他地方的女性都走大膽賣弄性感的路線時,法國妞依然是遙遙領先,最性感的,而且不需要改變她們自己。」... 真的是"je ne sais quoi (法語:說不上來,難以描繪的好東西) ! "
光是讀這段文章,就足以令人對法國女性心動不已了。文中提到法國女的迷人的自信與她們「會做」與「不做」的事,也可以讓台客、台妹們想一想。這段引言之後是介紹幾位代表人物,除了「艾蜜莉的異想世界」裏的Audrey Tautou之外,都不認識,所以就節錄首段。
From The Sunday Times
What is it that gives Gallic girls that je ne sais quoi

(Joel Ryan/PA) Audrey Tautou: ingénue
Shane Watson
What is it about French girls? I mean, apart from the casual nudity and the sexual confidence and the pouty self-assurance. There are, of course, French girls out there with pasty skin and bad taste who dress like slappers and throw up on doormen — but they are not the French girls who haunt us. They aren’t the ones who lounge around wearing only (french) knickers, sipping coffee out of bowls while reading Simone de Beauvoir. They aren’t the oneswhose clothes are vintage or borrowed from their boyfriends (never too tight, never too revealing), who carry themselves like dancers and know how to sling on a scarf, just so. It’s the hair, tousled and natural; the way they pout their lips; the directness of the gaze; the fact that they are neither fat nor thin, just feminine, and supremely comfortable in their skin. (Jennifer Aniston knows she looks good, but she doesn’t believe it like a French girl would.) French girls may not have the quirky eccentricity of British girls, but they all share one thing: an unshakeable confidence in the power of their femininity, as nature intended it. Whatever their style, French girls never look masculine, trashy or enhanced. They don’t wear sports gear or heavy make-up or visible thongs (they like proper silk lingerie, including slips). And French girls don’t really go in for tooth bleaching or even fake tan — on the contrary, they like smudgy eyes brought on by too little sleep and too much smoking. French girls have thick eyebrows, their own tooth enamel (not that they smile much) and more pubic hair than all of the Hollywood A list put together. If they’re more intriguing to us than ever, it’s because, while the rest of the world continues down the overtly sexual path (Madonna’s Miss Whiplash routine, Cheryl Cole’s sheer dress), French girls remain the sexiest by a mile, without even tweaking the formula.
The story was taken from "Times on line" at above-stated URL. The copyright remains with its original owners. The Times and the author of the story are not involved with the production of this blog.
「...法國女孩子像舞者一般(被抬著)移動著,她們就是知道怎麼繫上圍(領)巾,蓬鬆凌亂又自然的頭髮、嘟嘴的方式、直接的凝視...就是這樣迷人。事實上,她們不瘦也不胖,就是非常的女性;對皮膚感到無比自信的自在。她們都有一個共同的特徵:對自己女性魅力無法撼動的自信,就像是天生的一般。她們絕不....」「法國女孩子不會去美白自己的牙齒,或假造古銅色的膚色;她們有粗眼睫毛及牙齒本身的琺瑯質,她們身上的體毛比所有好萊塢一線女星加起來都還要多。如果說我們對她們比以往更加著迷,那是因為當這世界其他地方的女性都走大膽賣弄性感的路線時,法國妞依然是遙遙領先,最性感的,而且不需要改變她們自己。」... 真的是"je ne sais quoi (法語:說不上來,難以描繪的好東西) ! "
光是讀這段文章,就足以令人對法國女性心動不已了。文中提到法國女的迷人的自信與她們「會做」與「不做」的事,也可以讓台客、台妹們想一想。這段引言之後是介紹幾位代表人物,除了「艾蜜莉的異想世界」裏的Audrey Tautou之外,都不認識,所以就節錄首段。
From The Sunday Times
What is it about French girls?What is it that gives Gallic girls that je ne sais quoi
(Joel Ryan/PA) Audrey Tautou: ingénue
Shane Watson
What is it about French girls? I mean, apart from the casual nudity and the sexual confidence and the pouty self-assurance. There are, of course, French girls out there with pasty skin and bad taste who dress like slappers and throw up on doormen — but they are not the French girls who haunt us. They aren’t the ones who lounge around wearing only (french) knickers, sipping coffee out of bowls while reading Simone de Beauvoir. They aren’t the oneswhose clothes are vintage or borrowed from their boyfriends (never too tight, never too revealing), who carry themselves like dancers and know how to sling on a scarf, just so. It’s the hair, tousled and natural; the way they pout their lips; the directness of the gaze; the fact that they are neither fat nor thin, just feminine, and supremely comfortable in their skin. (Jennifer Aniston knows she looks good, but she doesn’t believe it like a French girl would.) French girls may not have the quirky eccentricity of British girls, but they all share one thing: an unshakeable confidence in the power of their femininity, as nature intended it. Whatever their style, French girls never look masculine, trashy or enhanced. They don’t wear sports gear or heavy make-up or visible thongs (they like proper silk lingerie, including slips). And French girls don’t really go in for tooth bleaching or even fake tan — on the contrary, they like smudgy eyes brought on by too little sleep and too much smoking. French girls have thick eyebrows, their own tooth enamel (not that they smile much) and more pubic hair than all of the Hollywood A list put together. If they’re more intriguing to us than ever, it’s because, while the rest of the world continues down the overtly sexual path (Madonna’s Miss Whiplash routine, Cheryl Cole’s sheer dress), French girls remain the sexiest by a mile, without even tweaking the formula.
The story was taken from "Times on line" at above-stated URL. The copyright remains with its original owners. The Times and the author of the story are not involved with the production of this blog.