2009-08-25 01:00:10AMY

Time flys, things are changing

Suddently feel kinda sad.

Things has been changing.

Cant just look back, but when I think about it, i kinda feel pity

I have been given up too many things in these past couple years.

I dont even have a clue why the result would ended up like this.

But I think that might be a good start for me or saving me from a bad situtation.

I always have too many "IF" and "Why..." questions came out from my mind.

But that might be not important anymore.

I cant just have questions but have to give the answer.

I have to crate a lot of good answers to support my questions.

I have to make my life even better and better.

I want people have a good imagine on me and even think that I have change to become a better girl and smart.

Too many important things are waiting for me to do it and find it.

Even though there are too many questions that I cant find the answer right now, but I think I can eventually find out and learn from it.