2004-12-04 13:08:48pocket

SpongeBob 被綁架了!!!



Thursday, November 25, 2004 Posted: 1:18 PM EST (1818 GMT)

(AP) -- It's a regular SpongeBob crime wave.

First some oversized figures of SpongeBob Squarepants were swiped from Burger Kings in Michigan, Minnesota and Utah.

Now police in Wisconsin are on the lookout for spongenappers who clipped a six-foot Squarepants that was promoting the SpongeBob movie opening.

No ransom note was left in Sheboygan -- although in Minnesota, the list of demands includes ten Crabby Patties for SpongeBob's return.

After some shrewd negotiations between police and a lawyer, a SpongeBob from Bad Axe, Michigan, has been returned home, slightly the worse for wear.

No laughing matter for Crime Stoppers in Sheboygan, though, who say informants on the whereabouts of the Wisconsin blow-up could earn a thousand dollar reward.