2008-06-28 13:53:57rou



pic是你的球場英姿>>with老獅子姐姐..看我很巧妙的拍出了你引以為傲的完美小腿肌,怎樣,有沒有很喜歡呢? 哈哈 ^^
bball053 2008-07-10 00:20:42

Hey Honey,
Where are you those days? I can`t find you? I called and called, and no matter what time I call, you never pick up, why?? Are you mad at me? or you just don`t want to speak to me, if you don`t want to talk to me, just let me know, and i will leave you alone. I just don`t understand why you are not picking up my calls, and not letting me know what you are doing. Please let me know, so I won`t be worry about you.

bball053 2008-07-04 03:39:34

Hi Honey,
Its Independence Day tomorrow (7/4), so everyone has day off from work. I will be playing in a tournament on Friday and Saturday. I called you today (Thursday) but you didn`t pick up, I guess you are asleep. I`ll try to call again this weekend. Have a great weekend, and i will try not to injury myself. Take Care, and love you!!!

bball053 2008-07-01 03:42:45

That is funny, first is the old Leo sister, than is my proud calf, haahaa, what a sweet mouth you got. Haahaa!!! The tournament went well, but we were hoping to have closer games and stronger people to play with. Thanks to Kate, last couple matches were all her efforts because my right elbow was hurting lots. I think I got &quottennis elbow&quot, going to see the doctor today (hopfully), and hope he is not going to tell me I really have tennis elbow. >_< Anyway, you are finally out of the hospital, please please take care of yourself, and don`t let me be worry about you, and don`t let me be a mother to you. Ok!!! be good, and love you!!!