2007-08-03 00:04:34★ⓓⓔⓥⓘⓛ★

《Taiwan News》Taiwanese Could Enjoy ...

Subject: Taiwanese Could Enjoy Visa-Free Travel


【1】Foreign Ministry 外交部長
【2】Congress 美國國會
【3】eligible 法律上合格的
【4】waiver 放棄;棄權證書
【5】enforcement 實施;執行
【6】decision 果斷;決心
【7】amend 修訂


Taiwan’s Foreign Ministry is cautiously optimistic that local citizens may in the not to distant future travel to the U.S. without a visa.

According to the Foreign Ministry ... it will look to secure for Taiwanese the right to visit the United States for up to 90 days without obtaining a visa in advance.

The U.S. Congress last week amended laws that would make it easier to obtain non-immgration visas.

Under the amendments, countries that have a rejection rate for U.S. visas of less than 10 percent ... down from the current 3 percent ... can be considered for visa-free travel.

A total of 27 countries are reported to be eligible under the new rules, including Taiwan, although inclusion is not automatic.

Taiwan would need to ask for the right to join the Visa Waiver program.

Cooperation with local law enforcement authorities will reportedly play a role in the U.S. decision on which countries to include.

Foreign Ministry spokesman David Wang is quoted as saying he doesn’t rule out Taiwan being approved... as the island is not a stopping off point for terrorists.

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