2004-06-16 23:15:14pkl

目前在市面上能看見的TYSON 的比賽影片略記

有些同好由於年紀較輕,未能親眼目睹Tyson的實況,加上1980年末至1990年代的相關資訊不易取得,故鐵拳有時真的只是「傳說」,筆者略整理以前的資訊,把目前在市面上能看見的TYSON 的比賽影片整理如下:

(1)勉強算是「商品」的只有《Man or Mackine-Mike Tyson Greatest Fights》,3 DVD,僅有3-4個小時,實在不能算是好的商品,收到他統一三大拳協與第二次與Hollyfied對戰前後,畫質有許多看的出來是從付費電視和HBO Boxing轉出來的,但容易取得是優點,美國亞馬遜網路書店就可可以輕鬆取得。

(2)如果想要進階的話,可以向某些海外賣家連絡,他們甚至有從他的業餘比賽收到對Lennox Lewis將近65場完整的比賽DVD。

分成兩種方式販賣 原本的是7DVD版 一者是11DVD版(包含重量級拳賽的一堆開場) 索價約90美金上下,由於是從加拿大來的,所以郵資大約是40美金(不可議價),台灣地區僅接受Paypal付款。–畫質據提供者稱和上述在美商亞馬遜的相同。



I was able to put together the most complete Mike Tyson DVD set which includes everything and I
mean everything. All 65 fights, all his amateur fights(very good quality too!), every single second of every round, and all corner action, which I feel is where a lot of the drama is shown. The quality is just as
good, if not better than the 3 DVD set that we got. It has full on screen menu driven so that you can easily access every fight easily. This is just like the Mike Tyson 7 DVD sets on ebay that sell for $90 and up, but this is an 11 DVD set of Mike because there are so many more full coverage of the fight and extras such as TV show appearances of Mike on the Jimmy Kimmel Show. I spent a lot of money compiling this set because I am just a fanatic of Mike. So if you were as disappointed as
I was in this 3 DVD set,

(P.S 這位同好消息頗為靈通,他八成是聽說筆者對Tyson有興趣,所以就找上門了。)

I promise to you that this will be the last Mike Tyson set you will ever need to get. I can personally vouch for that! So if you’re
interested, just let me know. Thanks!

