2010-10-27 20:52:55政瑋

Neil Young - Journey Through The Past

接下來,介紹Neil Young另一張專輯<Massey Hall 1971>,不得不說,敝人認為它是Neil Young最經典的專輯。這張Live專輯作為Neil Young(Archives系列)的第三發,實錄了1971年Neil Young回到家鄉加拿大多倫多(他一直在美國發展)開小型演唱會的情況,裡面Neil Young演唱了許多當時前所未聞的歌曲,包括隔年1972才正式出現在<Harvest>中的(Old Man)(Heart of Gold),以及1973年Live專輯<Time Fades Away>中的(Journey Through The Past),所以會說<Massey Hall 1971>經典,也許就是它是許多經典歌曲的源頭,直到2007年,這張早在1971就錄好的專輯才被發行,裡面類似今日不插電形式的演唱(Neil Young一手包辦木吉他&口琴&鋼琴),不僅在當時使聽眾被這些陌生歌曲打動外,如今聽來,也仍是歷久不衰。

Journey Through The Past - Neil Young(Massey Hall 1971(2007)

(ps:這首歌的單字雖然簡單,但反覆聆聽後越覺得有深刻的情感在裡面,我不是Neil Young,無法瞭解背後的故事,只能把自己的故事附會在上,翻譯時盡可能逼近歌詞,如有欠佳,請多包涵。)

When the winter rains(當冬季的雨)
come pourin' down
On that new home of mine
Will you think of me
and wonder if I'm fine?
Will your restless heart
come back to mine
On a journey thru the past
Will I still be in your eyes
and on your mind?

Now I'm going back to Canada
On a journey thru the past
And I won't be back
till February comes
I will stay with you
if you'll stay with me
Said the fiddler to the drum
And we'll have good time
on a journey thru the past

When the winter rains
come pourin' down
On that new home of mine
Will I still be in your eyes
and on your mind?
Will I still be in your eyes
and on your mind?


上一篇:Neil Young - Heart of Gold

下一篇:Don't Give Up