Neil Young - Journey Through The Past
Journey Through The Past - Neil Young(Massey Hall 1971(2007)
(ps:這首歌的單字雖然簡單,但反覆聆聽後越覺得有深刻的情感在裡面,我不是Neil Young,無法瞭解背後的故事,只能把自己的故事附會在上,翻譯時盡可能逼近歌詞,如有欠佳,請多包涵。)
When the winter rains(當冬季的雨)
come pourin' down(降下來時)
On that new home of mine(在我的新歸宿)
Will you think of me(妳是否還會想起我?)
and wonder if I'm fine?(並想知道我過得好不好?)
Will your restless heart(妳那不安躁動的心)
come back to mine(是否願意回到我這來?)
On a journey thru the past(在啟程回到過去的旅途上)
Will I still be in your eyes(是否我仍駐留在妳眼中?)
and on your mind?(和妳的心中?)
Now I'm going back to Canada(現在,我要回到加拿大)
On a journey thru the past(在一趟返鄉之旅裡)
And I won't be back(我將不會回來)
till February comes(直到二月來臨)
I will stay with you(我會陪伴妳)
if you'll stay with me(如果妳也把我放在心中)
Said the fiddler to the drum(唱著歌謠的我這樣竭力訴說著)
And we'll have good time(而我們會有美麗的時光)
on a journey thru the past(在這趟返鄉之旅裡)
When the winter rains(當冬季的雨)
come pourin' down(從天空降下來時)
On that new home of mine(在我的新家園)
Will I still be in your eyes(是否我仍留在妳眼中)
and on your mind? (和妳的心中?)
Will I still be in your eyes(是否我還在妳的眼中)
and on your mind?(和妳的心中...)