2006-02-02 15:10:16Wen

the Wareham Condensed Life Insight

Personal Leadership的講師(現麥肯錫顧問)給我們做的一個測驗,大家有興趣的話填一填,題目簡單但回答起來可不容易呢~如何分析我過幾天再放上來。

1. I am very _____
2. My greatest talen ______
3. People think that I _______
4. My parents always told me I should ________
5. My father _________
6. If only my father _________
7. Obeying my father __________
8. My mother _________
9. If only my mother ________
10. As a child I loved to __________
11. I was expected to become _________
12. The best measure of personal success is _________
13. The defining moment of my life __________
14. I become anxious when __________
15. The person who most influenced the development of my personality was __________ Who taught me ___________
16. If I can’t get what I want, I ___________
17. The main driving force in my life is ________
18. What I need most in a partner is _________
19. I am trying to overcome _________
20. I feel guilty when I _________
21. Realistically, to enjoy a satisfactory lifestyle I need an annual income of approximately $ ____________
22. My way of winning the struggle to get what I want is to _________
23. I persuaded him to change his mind by __________
24. I feel I am being held back by ________
25. I get irritated when they ____________
26. The thing I like about myself is ____________
27. What gets me into trouble is ______________
28. When a peer does better, I __________
29. If I would only ___________
30. I was happiest ___________
31. Compared with others, I __________
32. I fall into a blue mood when _________
33. I suffered most from _________
34. My most significant achievement ____________
35. My greatest fear ________
36. If I could have any career I desired, I’d be a ____________because _________
37. I lose my temper if ____________
38. I wish ________
39. My dream ________
40. On a scale from a worst of 1 to a best of 10, I rate my current
situation as: Job _____ Finances ______ Personal fulfillment _______ Love relationship_______


Question categories of ‘The Wareham Condensed Life Insidght Questionnaire (CLIQ)’

Strings: Q4+Q11 Psychic contract, usually with parents
Q15 a&b Gospel by which you run life
Q12: how you measure personal success
Q21: Set usually by parents
Q35: fear (it’s ‘consequence’ of the answer we put that we want to protect)
Q17: energy focus
Q40: check list

Obstacles to success/ alibis for failure:
Q33: Cross you carry on your back
Q24: Your chain
Q13: defining moment of life, turning point
Q19: sisypheius
Q6: Gap your father didn’t give you (paternal vacuum)
Q9: Gap your mother didn’t give you (materal vacuum)

Q13: was it + or - ? You can create them, can decide to move them
Q10 + Q34: hint, gift, contribution
Q10/Q1 & Q26/Q2: talent
Q36/Q39: calling/ passion
Q38: chimera

Q4: Injunction
Q7: Relation with authority
Q28: view of competition
Q31: + or –

How to deal with people/things:
Q23: logic/self interest
Q16: what do you do when you’re out of solutions
Q29: (normally 27 & 29 go together)

Q3: mask that you present to the world
Q1: self image
Q26: inner quality
Q31: how we imagine relate to others
Q34: reinforce of the whole thing

Negative emotions:
Q30: this is to answer if it’s in the ‘past’ or ‘present’ that I’m living in
Q14: anxiety
Q20 + 32 are seen together
Q25 + Q37: hot buttons