2003-09-08 10:40:23pinokio

Back to school.

hi,dear all,
It's really a "long time no see".
Although I met you in Taipei in summer, it seemed already long time ago.

Now the whole new semester is starting; also classes and auditions are rolling. Life is back to be busy.

I'm always thinking lately...
I am almost 30...in only a few more years...and sometimes I still consider things in a little girl's way. Really shamed on myself. Classmates and friends around me now are mostly younger than me. I shouldn't have the same values as theirs.

So, these weeks I tried not to hang out with them too much but read books and think about things more. Not close my own heart to people, it's to give a calm and peaceful space to myself. Moreover, be maturer is my goal in this semester as far as I am concerned. Especially after I checked Angie's website and saw her wedding pics. Wow~~That's really a big step of life. I felt that Angie in the pic is a whole new person, a lot more maturer already. Unlike me...:(

It's my first time to write an article here in Eng. The writing technique is still so wooden and dull. Sorry about that. I just want to try different ways of my life. I think that's one of the reasons why I stopped posting anything on this board. Really sorry for you guys who checked this board all the time.

Wish you all have a great and beautiful fall, wherever you are!

Love you,