2003-12-31 13:06:00peugeot


"I'd tear my heart out for you, cross a mountain for you
I'd give myself up for your sin, open up i'm falling in
What i feel, what i give, take from me what i am
It's the last day of you
I watch the last day of you, a lot has passed i told you
The world surrounding us has gone, the world surrounding us
Goes on. what i feel, what i give, take from me what i am
It's the last day of you
Feel my hands upon you, to feel my last touch of you
Feel my breath across your skin, let go of all you hold within
What i feel, what i give, take from me what i am
It's the last day of you"~~~


網路廣播傳來Gravity Kills唱的Last,才突然想起,今天是2003年的最後一天,一個瞬間即逝的年頭,匆忙中,看不清也回不去過去的365天。如同數著自己的步伐般,知道自己走了365步,卻忽略這些步伐是怎麼跨下去,理所當然的走路,每一腳對自己而言,都成為必做之事,不必要也不需要考慮這種規律性的步驟,只是走到終點時,卻往往忘了自己是怎麼走過來的,虛度居然成為如此熟練,如同渡日般的荒唐。
