2016-07-26 13:04:32perezrh6g38

線上英文 托福 補習 mammary中文意思是什麼

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adj. 形容詞 【解剖學】乳房的;胸的。

mammary cancer 乳癌。

英語檢定考試 toeic補習班 英文 說 mammary gland 乳腺。

  • Thus, in order to investigate the developmental pathways not only involved in the regulation of growth and patterning, but also in the determination of cell lineages and differentiation, we utilized the fluorescent immunohistochemical methods, flow cytometry analysis sorting ( facs ) and molecular methods to investigate the developmental law of mammary gland at the different developmental stages, distribution of the stem cells in mammary gland, the methods of isolation, culture and evaluation for the stem cells, the multipotent abilities in vivo and in vitro, and the efficient cultural system for stem cells enriched in vitro. the results showed below : 1

    我們以小鼠為模型,運用組織化學、免疫熒光組織(細胞)化學、流式細胞儀分選方法( facs )以及分子生物學手段,研究了小鼠乳腺的發育規律:小鼠乳腺組織中類乳腺幹細胞:小鼠乳腺細胞的分離、培養以及類乳腺幹細胞的鑒定;小鼠類乳腺幹細胞分化的潛能;小鼠乳腺類腺體體外短期培養富集類乳腺幹細胞體系的優化等。研究結果表明: 1
  • Does mammary gland fibroma suffer from to be opposite when be pregnant is lactation influential in the future

  • Answer : whether can mammary gland fibroma affect the following lactation, the place that should grow according to mammary gland fibroma and bulk will decide

  • Xiaopi oral liquid for hyperplasia of mammary gland

  • The treatment of hyperplasia of mammary of glands with tcm


    mammalian, mammaliferous, mammalogy, mammectomy, mammee, mammet


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