2023-05-26 14:43:02peregrine

科學家解釋了圍繞獵戶星座三顆恆星的特異行星系結構 (舊譯文)

In our Solar System, the eight planets and many other minor objects orbit in a flat plane around the Sun; but in some distant systems, planets orbit on an incline -- sometimes a very steep one. New work could explain the architecture of multi-star systems in which planets are separated by wide gaps and do not orbit on the same plane as their host star's equatorial center.



The discovery that our galaxy is teeming with exoplanets has also revealed the vast diversity of planetary systems out there and raised questions about the processes that shaped them.



New work published in Science by an international team including Carnegie's Jaehan Bae could explain the architecture of multi-star systems in which planets are separated by wide gaps and do not orbit on the same plane as their host star's equatorial center.

該項由一支,包括美國卡內基科學研究所Jaehan Bae之國際團隊,發表於《科學》期刊的新研究能解釋,行星相距很遠,且不在與其主恆星赤道中心之相同平面上,繞軌運行的多恆星系結構。


"In our Solar System, the eight planets and many other minor objects orbit in a flat plane around the Sun; but in some distant systems, planets orbit on an incline -- sometimes a very steep one," Bae explained. "Understanding the origins of extremely oblique orbital angles such as these could help reveal details about the planetary formation process."



Stars are born in nurseries of gas and dust called molecular clouds -- often forming in small groups of two or three. These young stars are surrounded by rotating disks of leftover material, which accretes to form baby planets. The disk's structure will determine the distribution of the planets that form from it, but much about this process remains unknown.



Led by University of Exeter's Stefan Kraus, the team found the first direct evidence confirming the theoretical prediction that gravitational interactions between the members of multi-star systems can warp or break their disks, resulting in misaligned rings surrounding the stellar hosts.

該由英國埃克塞特大學,Stefan Kraus領導的團隊發現了,證實多恆星系成員之間,重力交互作用會扭曲或破壞其旋轉盤,而導致圍繞這些主恆星之環,方向偏離之理論預測的首度直接證據。


Over a period of 11 years, the researchers made observations of the the GW Orionis triple-star system, located just over 1,300 light-years away in the Orion constellation. Their work was accomplished using the European Southern Observatory's Very Large Telescope and the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array -- a radio telescope made up of 66 antennas.

在過去11年間,此些研究人員進行了多次,座落於獵戶星座中,1300多光年外之三恆星系GW Orionis的觀測。他們的研究是使用歐洲南方天文台的超大望遠鏡,及位於智利阿塔卡馬大型毫米/次毫米陣列(66個天線組成的射電望遠鏡)達成的。


1. GW Orionis(具有特殊內部區域的三恆星系)的新觀測  (圖援用自原文)


"Our images reveal an extreme case where the disk is not flat at all, but is warped and has a misaligned ring that has broken away from the disk," Kraus said.

Their findings were tested by simulations, which demonstrated that the observed disorder in the orbits of the three stars could have caused the disk to fracture into the distinct rings.



"We predict that many planets on oblique, wide-separation orbits will be discovered in future planet imaging campaigns," said co-author Alexander Kreplin, also of the University of Exeter.

亦屬埃克塞特大學的合撰人,Alexander Kreplin宣稱:「他們預測,在未來的行星造影活動中,將發現諸多在傾斜、大間隔之軌道上的行星。」


Bae concluded: "This system is a great example of how theory and observing can inform each other. I'm excited to see what we learn about this system and others like it with additional study."




