2007-02-23 18:05:33poppycock


just hang up ur phone, then i feel i should write a mail to you.
but actually, nothing in my mind this moment.
coz ...before u called me. i felt pain in my head, in my mind... so talking to u also like a pain killer
and make myself calm down and feel peaceful again.

last night i felt so confused and empty. therfore... i tried to write something down.
sometimes... coz i dont know what is going on, i feel so scared .
但是前天 我在書店 看到一句話
恐懼 會讓巫術沒有辦法施行

巫術 聽起來就是一個不怎麼光明的字眼

但是 如果 恐懼 是個連黑暗勢力都會 畏懼的 字眼 或是 心態
那麼 就足以證明他的力量凌駕於任何力量之前

我還沒有學會 怎麼抗衡恐懼
我很開心 你的電話 你的聲音 和話語

ps. my friend John’s dog-MiMi