2016-01-14 03:04:33英檢老師 黃湘



  Did I get a cancer?

  I am not sure. But I need to be
examined for several weeks.  Waiting
for theresult makes people feel
frustrated. But for me, I feel okay. 

  To be a Buddhist, I need tobelieve one
thing that accepting everything and
keeping a good mood will makeme feel
better than complaining everything. I
believe that attitude is everything. If I
want to live a better lifeand keep
myself always in a good mood, I should
think positive. And I also findthat thinking
positive makes me full of energy. I still
can do what I want todo and enjoy my
life even if I am sick.

  My mother-in-law is worriedabout me
very much.  I tell her that I amOkay and
please keep a good mood to accept the
result because I don’t want toworry too
much before the answer comes.

  Maybe the result is good.  If the result
is good, at least I spend a good time and
keep a good mood to wait for it. During
the time, I am happy.  If the result is bad,
at least I still enjoya happy time for
several days.

  No matter what the result is , Iwill
face the situation.

  I tell myself that I am braveand I must
be. I hope everybody can accept his/her
situation and choose to overcome it. If
we are full of hopes, we will have a
better life.

                   Pearl 2016/01/14

上一篇:Never give up
