2015-12-09 03:25:49英檢老師 黃湘

Never give up

Believe yourself, and you will be successful in the near
future. English has been my nightmare for a long time.
I told my students that I don’t like English very much.
When I was a junior high school student, I don’t know
how to pronounce English. I even don’t know how to
remember a new word. It is very hard for me to
understand what the teacher taught. If you were me,
how can you believe that there will be a miracle about
English in your life?

It is impossible for me to believe I will be an English
teacher in the future. However, I did it. But how? How
can I accomplish it? The only answer is: Never give up.

As long as you are alive, anything is possible. I always
tell myself that I will succeed if 
I try my best to achieve
my goal. I always tell my students that they cannot find
any word like ‘give up’ in my dictionary. I will do my
to do everything. Sometimes I feel upset and
frustrated. However, it just last for one minute because
I know if I give up, I won’t have any chances to achieve
my goal.

Instead of regarding ‘Never give up’ as a slogan, we
should take action to practice it. The more we do, the
more we can do. Remember that you are stronger than
you think. Don’t compare yourself to those people who
already succeed. You should find the best way for

If you have goals, dreams and good ways, then you
have already give yourself a successful opportunity in
the future. I have a lot of dreams.Someone has ever
told me that I am a dreamer. What is a dreamer?
A dreamer is aperson who lives in a world of fantasy
or a person who is impractical and unrealistic. But
I know there must be something I can do and I am
not an impractical person. I will make my dream come
true in one day.

I’d like to share a good poem with you here.

Trust your dreams.
They are sweet and beautiful.
Trust your visions.
They are soulful and powerful.
Trust your aspiration.
It is your earth-friend
Trust your realisation.
It is your Eternity's real Self.

- Sri Chinmoy

I like these words. They are so beautiful and
powerful. Seeing these words, I know that I am
not alone.

I want to tell everyone that I am a dreamer and
I will be successful. Trust me and trust yourself. 
I can do it and you can, too.





上一篇:The first time


@@ 2015-12-24 22:56:57

Nicely written.

Thanks a lot. 2016-01-01 03:34:46