2009-08-14 03:09:48英檢老師 黃湘

Many people die

I feel sad when I see many

people die.  Some are old and

some are young.  They are all

gone. No other words can express

 my feelings except sadness.

Some people have no money , no

houses and even no clothes.

I donate two-thirds of my clothes

to those people who are in the

most difficult situation.  I also

donate some money to help them.

I know I donate little, but I have

already done my best.

I hope our government and our socity

can help them to rebuild their homes.

I also hope that we can give them all

our comfort and tell them that they

are not alone.  All Taiwanese

care about them and company them

through the TV news.  No one is happy.

Everybody prays. Hope there is a miracle

on them.  Dear God, if you know people's

sufferings, please help them.  Give them

courage and hope. Then I can believe that they

will have courage to face their life.  Maybe

death is not terrible.  The most terrible thing

is : your body is alive but your mind die.

Help them and comfort them, please.






