2009-03-04 00:51:50英檢老師 黃湘

請問 您怎麼稱呼?


1. How should I call you?    (我該怎麼稱呼你?)

2. What is your name?  (你叫什麼名字?)

3. May I have your name? (請問貴姓大名?)

4. Can I have your name, please?(請問貴姓大名?)

5. What's your first name, please?  (請問你叫什麼名字?)

6. What's your last name? (您貴姓?)


1. You can call me Pearl. (你可以叫我Pearl)

2. My name is Pearl Huang.(我的名字叫 Pearl Huang)

3. My name is Pearl.(我的名字叫Pearl)

4. Pearl Huang.

5. My first name is Pearl..(我的名字叫Pearl)

6. My last name is Huang.(我姓黃)

名字  是你我的代表  是認識彼此最先的橋梁

不管你愛不愛它   每天你都會使用它  是它  陪你走過一生  不離不棄

試著接受它   不然 就    改變它


sfss 2024-04-16 08:05:38


chatgpt 2024-04-02 14:43:55

nice post http://www.chatgpttraining.in/

sonos 2024-03-07 22:33:10

As of 2009, Mitsubishi held between 35% to 40% of the worldwide market for bluefin tuna.