2004-01-20 10:38:00比比

2004, Chinese New Year~

2004年, 新年快樂~~

致 :各位朋友仔

新聞台定於二零零四年一月二十一日至一月二十六日, 為農歷新年假期, 並於一月二十七日啟台。

特此通知 ~ 祝大家新年快樂, 萬事勝意, 身體健康, 心思事成, 順順利利, 愛情甜甜密密…………….祝賀說話不能盡錄。 哈~~

Dear Friends,

Please be informed that our diary will be closed for Lunar New Year Holiday from 21 January 2004 to 26 January 2004. We will resume operation on 27 January 2004.

Thank you for your kind attention & wish you a prosperous the Year of Monkey.