2018-03-05 15:12:35paperiogames

Why You Should Take Time To Play Games

Hi everyone! I’m so glad you stopped by today! You’re busy and your brain is full of appointments, errands, meetings and all of life’s happenings. You depend on your phone to keep you organized and on top of everything, right? But, during those brief moments when you find yourself waiting somewhere or before you put your phone away for the night, how do you spend your time? Checking your email? On social media? Watching videos? My go-to are good IO Games.
You might be thinking you don’t have time to play games. You’re an adult, after all, with adult responsibilities and obligations. No time for games. I get that. I have kids to care for, errands to run, meetings to attend, work to complete. But, allowing ourselves some down time will ultimately make us happier, healthier people. That’s right, I’m saying it. Playing games can make you healthier.
Think about how much time you spend on social media. How do you feel after you get off Facebook? Something about disconnecting from social media, leaving work behind and allow yourself to play the games for leisure. You can shut out all the noise and just focus on the problem at hand. That brief disconnect doing something just for you helps you come back ready to tackle whatever is next on your work. These apps are some of your favorite ways to spend those brief 10-minute breaks and leave you feeling ready to jump back into life.
Play games let you leave the work, and the stress behind, even if for just a few minutes. Play games give you a solvable problem to focus on and then leave you to your own reasoning and intellect to figure it out. IO games are similar to imaginative play for children. It’s a creative outlet that, when explored, can help us be more productive in other aspects of our lives. Even as adults, we need to practice problem-solving to be any good at it.
Finding the best io games for you
This list includes a lot of different kind of io games. Not every io game is great for every person. I enjoy the Paper.io game, I used to play Agar.io and Slither.io. I did not know any more, since I found these games later, but I never got bored. Some of the types of IO Games included in this list are:

Agar.io -------->Eat cells smaller than you and don't get eaten by the bigger ones, as an MMO. 
Bonk.io ------>Physics-based game 

Other Games:
Happy Wheels
Akinator Online
There is bound to be a game you’ll love. Maybe even two or three… or five. Some of these games are great while I’m waiting at the doctor’s office or after school. While some are better for when I’m standing in line at the grocery store. And yet others are better when I’m winding down for bed. Figure out what works best for you!