2006-11-23 23:11:10Gwen Lee

Fuckin’ Monstrosity

I’m a fuckin’ monstrosity.

The voice says I’m too naughty and obsecene.

My fingers are fluttering.

My brain is storming.

My body is shivering.

My headache is killing me.

I’m losing my sanity.

The queer visualization is spinning around...around...around.

I can’t help drift into a weird world.

kindle a cigarette calms me down.

I kinda like the style of corruption.

Stay at home, write down my mind with impatient words, and be so-called psycho.

Unhealthy life sometimes makes me high.

I smoke and take the vitamin pills at the same time.

I smile in front of people and cry behind the scence.

I have charity at day time and plan a perfect murder at night.

Listen to Rock’n’roll and shake my body wildly without sex.

People like to pretend to enjoy world peace.

Shut up!!

The fuckin’ world is full of crazy thoughts.


The voice comes again.

It says so.....

I’m a fuckin’ monstrosity.

Fuckin’ sickness.



失控的胖子 2006-11-27 05:19:30

還記得嗎? 有一年 兩年前還是三年前...我去maffrick高雄家玩ㄌ幾天!
我們4個人 第一天晚上還喝的醉燻燻的 我是熊的同學 estelle
還記得你有pchome 所以來看看
想跟你聊聊 if u dut mind...
this is msn estelle1030@hotmail.com