2019-08-22 11:16:04osywcq0o0eug
【限時商品】BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Plus X1兒童安全座椅 快速到貨網拍
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BeSafe Child Car Seat iZi Plus X1 設計式樣: Midnight Black Mélange · 2019
With two new features, the BeSafe iZi Plus X1 rear-facing child car seat provides your child with even more safety and comfort as compared to its信用卡刷卡優惠 predecessor iZi Plus.
Group/ weight category:
- Group 0 + / I / II
- Suitable from about 6 months up to approx. 5 years
- Suitable for children with a weight from 0 to 25 kg
Conforms to the standard:
- ECE R44 / 044
The expert iZi Plus X1 for rear-facing safety can look back to a whopping 30 years of BeSafe rear-facing driving experience. The BeSafe rear-facing child car seat does not require Isofix and can therefore be installed in almost all cars simply by using the car's own 3-point belt.
The seat reducer with new additional padding allows you to use this child car seat from an early point as there are special foam inserts that provide your little one with sufficient stability and even more comfort. Its extra-long backrest and weight capacity of up to 25 kg ensure an outstanding service life of 5 years. Even older children will benefit from sufficient space thanks to smoothly adjustable legroom.
The latest generation of the additional side impact protection (SIP+) absorbs up to 20% of the forces that occur in the event of a side crash and is to be中秋送禮推薦 attached to that side of the child car seat that faces the door. As a pure rear-facing car seat with built-in side impact protection in the seat shell and the headrest, the BeSafe iZi Plus X1 is proven to be 5 times safer.
The BeSafe child safety seat features three resting positions and offers your little passenger excellent seating comfort - that way, there is nothing standing in the way of a little nap in between times. Your child is fastened by using the padded 5-point harness. Thanks to the magnetic belt assistant, your child can be put comfortably in the seat without the straps getting in the way.
High-quality, durable, safe and comfortable features - the izi Plus X1 grows with your child and allows you to transport both the smallest and tallest toddlers alike.
- Rear-Facing safety from approx. 6 months up to approx. 5 years
- Successor of the user favourite iZi Plus
- Installation via car's own 3-point belt
- SIP+, up to 20% more safety in a side impact
- Seat reducer with foam inserts
- Smoothly adaptable legroom
- 3 resting positions
- High seating position in the car
- Cover can be machine washed
- Magnetic belt assistant
- Partly suspended installation with steep backseat of car
- Weight: 12 kg
- Dimensions: T 65 x W 45 x H 56 cm
BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Plus X1兒童安全座椅
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BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Plus X1兒童安全座椅
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時尚商品介紹, BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Plus X1兒童安全座椅
團購優惠, BeSafe貝賽菲iZi Plus X1兒童安全座椅
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