2019-01-03 09:40:21osayuswc6iuy

【刷卡購買享回饋】Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base 生日送禮推薦過年送禮推

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Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base


Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base












Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base 設計式樣: Love.Doona Rot · 2018

With the Doona+ infant car seat that can be transformed into a small buggy by the touch of a button, your child travels safely while being provided with a most comfortable equipment. The Isofix base supplies your child with even more safety.

Group/ weight category:

  • Group 0+/ suitable for babies with a weight of up to 13 kg

  • Suitable from birth up to approx. 18 months

Conforms to the norm:網拍熱門商品省錢大作戰

  • ECE R44/ 04

The benefits of the mobile infant car seat by Doona are surprising and will delight you and your child immediately. By the touch of a button you can extend the wheels of the Doona in a particularly quiet way. This way, you can transform the infant car seat into a flexible baby buggy in less than no time and allow your child to continue his naps while being on the way to a doctor or the grocery store. The best thing about this adorable companion is that you don't need a separate chassis which saves all the space in your car boot for your shopping bags and the like.

In order to install the Doona in your car, you can simply use the Isofix base which is included in the set. The easy-to-use "One-Click" installation via the Isofix anchor points in your car improves the safety provided and supplies your child with additional comfort. The colour indicator tells you whether the infant car seat has been installed correctly. This way, attaching the infant car seat to and releasing it from the base is going to be super simple.

Innovative anti-rebound protection - the carrying handle of the Doona can be positioned against the backseats in your car. Thus, the car seat is prevented from rebounding in the event of a frontal impact. The double walls in the outer shell redu網購人氣商品最暢銷產品ce the impact energy and provide even more protection for your child.

An insert for newborn babies as well as the innovative support cushion which ensure that your baby travels safely in an ergonomic position have been designed in close collaboration with medical experts. The five-point harness which comes with extra-wide belts keeps your little sunshine safely in his seat.

Dragging your infant car seat around definitely belongs to the past! The Doona+ is the perfect mobility solution for travelling by car, bus, train or taxi!

Details of Doona+ mobile infant car seat:

  • The world's first mobile infant car seat

  • Wheels can be extended by the touch of a button

  • Perfect mobility solution for active and mobile parents

  • Certified for being used on an airplane

  • Can be attached to your car by using Isofix base or car's own seat belt

  • 生日送禮推薦過年送禮推薦
  • Unique anti-rebound protection

  • Newborn infant insert as well as support cushion for ergonomic position

  • Double walls in the outer shell

  • Dimensions when used as infant car seat: H 60 x W 44 x L 66 cm
  • 2018流行商品

  • Dimensions when used as baby buggy: H 99 x W 44 x L 82 cm

  • Weight: 7 kg

Details of Doona Isofix Base:

  • Isofix base for Doona infant car seat

  • More safety and comfort

  • Norm ECE R44

  • Height-adjustable support foot

  • Colour indicator confirms correct installation




Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base





MLB》柯賓6年43億當國民 有4點必須了解

據大聯盟官網專欄作家海曼(Jon Heyman)的報導,稍早柯賓(Patrick Corbin)確定同意簽下一份6年價值1.4億美元(約台幣43億)的合約,然而最初並不清楚柯賓究竟與哪一支球團達成協議,一直到華盛頓郵報報導後,確定就是華盛頓國民。

29歲的柯賓被認為是克蕭(Clayton Kershaw)確定留在洛杉磯道奇後今年自由市場上最優秀的先發投手,柯賓2度入選明星賽,上個賽季主投200局,246次的奪三振,繳出11勝7敗,防禦率3.15,每局被上壘率僅1.05的優秀成績,並且在季後的賽揚獎票選上排名第5。



國民現在擁有當家王牌薛澤(Max Scherzer)和史崔斯柏格(Stephen Strasburg),因此柯賓預計將是第3號先發,而羅斯(Joe Ross)在生涯前2個賽季繳出3.52的防禦率,但之後卻一直無法保持健康,在去年接受「約翰湯米」手術(Tommy John)回歸後僅先發了3場,而明年賽季羅斯預計將擔任第4號先發,至於羅亞克(Tanner Roark)在2016年賽揚獎的票選上排名第10後,就開始變得平庸,儘管如此,穩定的出賽也成了羅亞克的一大優勢。

然而看似完美的先發輪值,事實上暗藏了不少的隱憂,除了剛提到羅斯的傷病史外,史崔斯柏格也僅2度單季先發出賽超過30場,至於柯賓也有過經歷「約翰湯米」手術(Tommy John)。


除了邁阿密馬林魚外,亞特蘭大勇士剛在上個賽季拿下分區王座,並在近期簽下了唐納森(Josh Donaldson),而國民儘管可能會失去哈波(Bryce Harper),但除了上述提到的輪值外,搭配包括朗登(Anthony Rendon)、透納(Trea Turner)、索托(Juan Soto)和羅布斯(Victor Robles),相信其他球隊勢必也不敢小看,至於紐約大都會更早有動作,在迎來卡諾(Robinson Cano)和迪亞茲(Edwin Diaz)後,我們普遍相信,這絕對還沒結束。


我們聽到了許多費城人決定在自由市場上大刀闊斧的言論,然而卻只聞樓梯響,不見人下來,但費城人球迷也不用過度擔心,或許在起跑點失利後,更會激起他們追求哈波(Bryce Harper)和馬查多(Manny Machado)的鬥志。


去年休賽季的自由市場可說是一片死寂,而今年就在柯賓獲得一份6年價值1.4億美元的合約後,這代表著洋基和費城人爭取失利,也意味著他們還有錢可花,凱戈(Dallas Keuchel)顯然是目前市場上最好的左投手,而哈普(J.A.Happ)36歲的年紀可能獲得長約的機率較低,但仍然會獲得較高的年薪,其他包括伊瓦迪(Nathan Eovaldi)和莫頓(Charlie Morton)都相當有機會從中獲益。

◎加入風運動粉絲專頁,帶你掌握更多國內外體壇動態(推薦閱讀:MLB》布萊恩、哈波家鄉相見歡 巧遇饒舌歌手:希望你來紅雀)


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最後一餐「想吃外面的土」 五個死刑犯臨終前的詭異要求

無論是再邪惡的罪犯,當他們即將執行死刑前,都可以選擇自己想吃的最後一餐,再昂貴的料理都行。但卻有一些罪犯,在死前既不選擇豪華料理,也不想吃熟悉的家常菜,反而是提出了一些詭異的要求。第五名的James Edward Smith在休士頓犯下搶劫謀殺案而被判死刑,在1990年6月25日他提出關於最後一餐的要求,他說想吃「從外面土地挖來的土」,他說在巫毒儀式中,用這些土標記他的身體,可以使他的靈魂往前走,而不會徘徊在人間,但土並不在被允許的食物清單內,於是他被拒絕了。


第二名的Velma Barfield也是一名連環女殺手,她在死前只要求了一包起司口味的零食及一罐可樂,在能選擇昂貴食物的前提下,她選擇了便宜的零食飲料也讓許多人感覺奇怪。第一名的Victor Feguer則要求在死前吃一顆帶子的橄欖,因為他希望自己死後,體內的橄欖子能長成樹,象徵和平安息。但處決後,當局卻在他的口袋發現那顆橄欖子,也讓人起疑,他是忘記吞下,抑或是一個奇怪的謊言?


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Doona+ Mobile Infant Car Seat including Isofix Base

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