2019-06-13 15:21:34okewu6k8qame

【限時商品】MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley 網路熱賣產品超人氣產品



但一些該買的還是要買,這次買的是 MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley

經過了MINI by Eas實用商品介紹ywalker Buggy Charley










MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley 2019

Designed in collaboration with MINI, the MINI by Easywalker buggy Charley stands out as a stylish companion which is particularly suitable for when living in a city. Premium materials and subtle MINI appliqués add a touch of elegance and sportiness to this buggy.

Featuring a low weight of only 8 kg Charley is not only small and compact, but also the lightest buggy in the compact segment.

With just a few simple steps, this adorable buggy can be folded into a small, compact and free-standing unit.

Its seat unit is easy to remove and by using adaptors you can either attach a carrycot or most standard infant car seats to the chassis - that way, you can use the Charley as a pram or travel system. (Infant car seat and carrycot are not included in delivery.)

Seat unit and carrycot can be adjusted in height by using省荷包團購人氣產品 adaptors. The push bar as well as the canopy are also height adjustable.

In order to make your child feel relaxed and comfortable during the ride in the Charley, you can adjust the large seat unit in three different levels.

The 5-point harness keeps your little passenger safe in the seat and protects him from falling out.

If desired, you can attach the seat unit both in a forward-facing or rear-facing mode.

The large shopping basket offers enough space for smaller and larger purchases.



  • Agile and easy to use

  • Can be converted from buggy to stroller

  • Can be used as travel system

  • Low weight: 8 kg

  • Very compact folding size

  • Comfortable driving experience

  • Height-adjustable seat unit, carrycot, push bar and canopy

  • Reversible seat unit can be adjusted in three different levels

  • Large, easily accessible shopping basket

  • By using adaptors Charley is compatible with almost all standard infant car seats (Maxi-Cosi, Cybex, Kiddy, BeSafe)




MINI by Easywalker Buggy Charley





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「#願景工程Action」校園影音甄選大賽,7報名到8月底。 分享 facebook 聯合報系文化基金會與願景工程共同主辦2018「#願景工程Action」~校園影音甄選大賽,即日起報名至8月31日止。活動邀請大專院校同學將符合世代共好主題的熱血行動用影音紀錄後上傳,不但能透過聯合報系擴大影響力,還有機會拿到最高十萬元獎金。活動邀請青年公益家沈芯菱、圖文不符創辦人張志祺、 奧美廣告執行創意總監龔大中等擔任評審,依據行動成果、影片品質與切合主題3大項,評選出個別組與社團組各8個獎項,另由網路票選產生人氣獎。.inline-ad { position: relative; overflow: hidden; box-sizing: border-box; }

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.innity-apps-reset { padding: 20px 0 0 !important; margin: -20px auto -10px !important; } 台灣大哥大響應首屆「#願景工程Action」~校園影音甄選大賽,特設立「台灣大永續推手獎」,提供獎金6萬元;城市浪人、台灣老大人活力發展協會、玩具圖書館、美麗島社創中心、愛now青年志工服務團等16個認同協推單位,則參與促進世代對話並鼓勵大專學生參與。城市浪人授權管理總監簡以潔指出,世代就是在不同環境背景下成長的人,世代共好是透過更多的對話,了解彼此世代的差異。她說,大專院校同學只要願意多聽長輩講幾句話,就可以讓長輩了解年輕人現在的處境,也可以學習到長輩的豐富經驗。歷經台灣經濟起飛時期的老大人協會理事長葉國芳、秘書長余良玲表示,他們身處在一個社會合作、向心力強的環境,「我很幸福,很喜歡我的世代,有很多學習的機會」。他們出生的30至40年代正好是戰後嬰兒潮、出生率特別高,股市、房市只要進場就可賺到錢、只要努力就有機會;他們指出,年輕世代的雙肩有很大壓力,現在都是在低薪環境中掙扎,這是不同世代的環境差異。余良玲說,老大人協會的大專志工,帶進了許多的創意,幫助長輩的生命繪本創作更有活力,也幫助爺爺奶奶學習3C產品的使用;同時,他們也讓跟著來上課的小孩子有了更多歡笑。新媒體時代,每個人都是媒體。「#願景工程Action」邀請校園青年一起參與這個新時代,用影像記錄讓台灣更好的積極作為,並上傳到社群媒體,共同喚起社會關注、促成正向改變。2018「#願景工程Action」甄選主題為「世代共好」,期待校園青年透過自己的視角,詮釋不同世代的議題、促成世代溝通、了解與合作,並用影像紀錄「世代共好」的行動方案。相關報名與參賽辦法請見活動官網,或掃描QRcode進入活動連結。聯合報系文化基金會與願景工程共同主辦2018「#願景工程Action」~校園影音甄選大賽,即日起報名至8月31日止,有機會拿到最高10萬元獎金。記者章凱閎/翻攝 分享 facebook

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