2008-10-06 02:44:15JERRY

About English in use

1.I have something for you . 我有東西要給你 .  2.It reminds me that.....我想起一件事.....  3.How I envy you ! 我真羨慕/妒忌你. 4.You such a piece of scrap.你這爛雞巴! 5.You such a slut ! 你這賤貨! 6. What are you getting at ? 你/妳這什麼意思?  7.Calm down ! 冷靜點! 8.Get well soon 早日康復  9. Just wish I could be with you .只是希望我能在你身旁  10.kith and kin  親朋好友 11.taking a shit or taking a dump 我在棒塞.  12  I 'm going crazy like a shit 我整個人又煩又亂 .13 I thought I was tough 我以為我很勇敢  ((此句不用brave的原因是為了 " rhyme "  )) 14.I am stuck fast 我束手無策     15.What on earth is wrong with you 你究竟怎麼了?  16. raise a finger  舉手之勞 17.rainy day  艱難時刻 18.raise  the wind 籌款 19. Don't stand on the ceremony ! 不要拘束  20. Do the math ! 你自己打算 !  21.Racial  discrimination 種族歧視 22.what the fuck are you talking about 你在說三小啦? 23.party of two 兩位(用在餐廳服務生詢問幾位時) 24.Are you live in sesame street  你少天真了 25.You make me laugh ! 你很有趣 ! (千萬不要用interesting )26.Anger is an issue to you 不要亂發脾氣 27. You are outside of food chain. 28.You are not the divided,nor the divider,you are surplus . ( 27.28 殺傷力很強,自行體會 ) 29. I mess up 我搞砸了 30. Two wrongs makes one right 積非成是