2019-03-30 18:05:46npztjjf5bxhx

【生日禮物推薦】Nike Air VaporMax Plus - 12447878 秒購商品


今天找到這樣商品Nike Air VaporMax Plus - 12447878覺得還不錯







復古風格 革命性舒適感受

Nike Air VaporMax Plus 承襲過往、推進未來。這款改造版向 1998 年技術超前的 Air Max Plus 致上敬意,重新演繹其漂浮鞋籠、緩震鞋面與鞋跟標誌。全面革新的 VaporMax Air 技術,歷久彌新。


  • VaporMax Air 技術,打造超輕量緩震效果。
  • 包圍足部的漂浮鞋籠,向 1998 年原創設計致敬。
  • 緩震布料與合成材質,打造耐久性。
  • 易磨損區的橡膠襯墊,增強耐久性。


  • Air VaporMax 象徵了 Nike 創新的新紀元。設計師先重新調整 Air 氣墊的結構,以便直接將氣墊附加到鞋面上。「那真是個超級大挑戰。」資深鞋款設計師 Tom Minami 如此說道,但成品非常值得。「捨去中底或鞋墊之後,就能以全然不同的方式去感受 Air。」前幾代 Air Max 鞋款的設計目標,是要在鞋底加入越多 Air 越好,但 VaporMax 的重點則是:有效率地運用 Air。「每一次的踏步,各凸點會被推入 Air 氣墊,增加壓力,」Elder 說明。「抬起腳時,壓力獲得釋放,就能造就回彈作用。」從概念發想到產品真正製作出來歷經了七年的時間,能夠有今天的成績,Elder 與 Minami 都感到非常興奮。「我對這項產品感到非常自豪,」Elder 說道。「這個嶄新方向不只對 Air 意義非凡,對於 Nike 來說也是一個巨大的轉捩點。」
  • 顯示顏色: 白色/Aluminum/Barely Volt/黑色
  • 款式: 924453-105
  • 原產國/地區: 中國
訂單金額滿新臺幣 4,500 元即享免費標準運送服務

  • 標準運送的商品可於 2-5 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 2-3 個工作天內送達

  • 標準運送的商品可於 3-6 個工作天內送達
  • 快遞運送的商品可於 3-5 個工作天內送達

訂單皆於星期一至星期五之間處理與寄送 (國定假日除外)

NikePlus 會員可享免費退貨退貨政策例外情況

3.9 顆星

Beautiful Shoe

GregH243991868 - Jan 17, 2019

Look outstanding, flawless design. If you're looking to buy some shoes to 'flex' then these are definite candidates. I'm 19 - wanted to grab something to re送禮建議ally pop out. Despite being all black, the shiny rim design across the top/side of the shoe looks very sleek, and the underside of the shoe also looks very appealing.

Walking in these shoes is very pleasant, as the bubble design means you can feel your weight move from heel to toe as you walk. I'm size 11.5, edging towards 12, but these fit very nicely. Wearing for hours and hours at a time can, at first, lead to some minor discomfort, but not enough to make you take them off. Wearing them enough will generally fix that issue - otherwise you got the wrong size. The arch is quite narrow, meaning you may, like me, feel some pressure at the sides of your feet at first

Being black in colour, they work with many outfits. They seem more than durable, but I recommend wearing them in good weather conditions. You don't want to be reckless with a pair of £170 crepes...unless money ain't an issue for you.


Great look

Pleasant, snug fit.

Adaptable for many找活動購買優惠 outfits

Definite 'flex'

Slight discomfort at first - fixed after getting them worn in.



DerrickS - Jan 04, 2019


I'm very skeptical about ordering shoe wear online because of my weird and narrow feet...LOL, also because photos seem to look better than the actual product however I decided to take a chance on the Air VaporMax Plus in Black/White. I'm glad I did. Simply put, AWESOME shoes. They fit perfect and look GREAT. Lightweight, very comfortable and stable at the same time. They are indeed true to size and feel like they was made specifically for my feet.

How Do I Clean Scratches Off the Black Air Bubbles

JoshA268609978 - Jan 03, 2019

Really comfortable shoes but scratches have developed on the sides of the shoe of the black bubble bit! How do I get them off????





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