2013-01-06 07:54:35一个很天真的人


今天是病醒第2天,我想搞清潔。突然讓我come across 一個網站,omg-space.com,頭一個blog說:
“When… I look up… many people feel small, cause they’re small when the universe is big… but I feel BIG because my atoms came from those stars.” - Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson
人想有存在感,但卻時常迷失在這個chaos裡面. I didn't forget the promise I made to myself in that basketball court, I can still feel the warmth and the fresh breeze. It was getting harder and harder to hang on to that light while walking through the darkness in 2012. 
这病后的第2天,我听着Chantel Kraviezuk的 Invincible, 我告诉自己,这新的一年,我不可以放弃自己,我答应过自己要保持坚强阳光的心态到老,我们身上流动着太阳的粒子,we are alive with the universe and shining with  the sun. 无论世界上有没有人,或这些人能不能看见或感受到阳光,太阳都是存在的,不需要他人的认同。北极熊因为饿要吃掉小熊,或者眼镜公蛇吃掉刚占据的地盘里的母蛇,所有生物都是born to survive。sometimes i just think too much i forgot my clarity..我要珍惜每次被打倒后站起來的力量。
週一上班的時候,我要站起來。在這2013年,我要重新回歸自己,有著太陽的守護,i want a brand new world!