2006-05-26 14:42:40角落劇團


Nook underground DVD festival




Underground movies are willing to stray from the norm and provide original and authentic entertainment. And if different is what you’re looking for, the Nook’s Underground DVD Festival is where you’ll find creative and enthralling cinema. The festival will take place on a chosen weekend around ?September 11?, providing a great opportunity to support local artists while getting the chance to discover a new appreciation for independent movie making. It’s for those people that are looking for independent movies that provide an experience and get you asking questions.

The Nook’s Underground DVD Festival, in its first year, is dedicated to highlighting unorthodox vision by showcasing independent and boundary pushing experimental movies. The festival selects movies which resist the standard structure, technique and subject matter characteristically found in Hollywood movies and ensures the audience will be entertained by talent. The festival hosts many different genres, spanning from animations to documentaries to short films touching on topics of politics, protest, music and sex.

The Nook’s DVD Festival promises to be unlike any other film festival. First of all, it is a digital video festival. Digital video has been a dominant force though we are not ready to declare the death of the film, But since underground films tend to have lower budgets, digital video is an increasingly more affordable option, it is a trend where filmmakers use digital video and DVD format to present their works instead of 35 or 16 millimeter films. It is not fair enough to say that the film image is inherently better than the video image. However, It is different and especially with the newer, high quality digital video. In addition, imperfection can be interesting too, and it can be a smart aesthetic choice. The other difference between this festival and others is the venue, a basement bar in a popular Café providing an alternative to the usual movie theatre. It’s a different experience to see a movie at a bar in the basement of a popular Café (Nook’s Songjiang branch) . The bar can seat up to 50, so it’s a more intimate setting.

Underground film festivals are known for their often aggressive, independent and unique subject matter; Nook’s is no exception promising to be nothing like the money hopeful cinematic product out in theatres today. If you’re looking for some stimulating entertainment, then be sure to attend the Nook’s Underground DVD Festival.


我等,下一班車(曾馨瑩)、夢想舞台(林楷博)、地下道(林楷博)、原音(賴冠源)、曼陀羅(三峮凌)、野上癮(蕭毓貞)、我在這裡唱歌,想你(謝念儒) 、庇護所Sanctuary(江均羚)。

@實驗 + 記錄:6/9(Fri.)1900、6/14(Wed.)1400
※趙欣怡作品、腐屍(鍾偉杰)、How can you open your eyes without blanking?(蕭仲甫)、Recall/Record(蕭仲甫)、.NAIL(蕭仲甫)、白日夢(呂登貴)、繆特尼(呂登貴)、我的甜美生活(連玉如)、不是‧自閉‧教室(阿翔)、心靈舞台(洪紹銘)、通往最高學府之路(陳志豪)。

