2007-03-16 15:21:20nick


--fall for

a. fall for 受騙;上當
When someone successfully tricks or deceives you, you fall for the trick or deception or you fall for it.

I feel like an idiot. The salesman promised me it was a real diamond, not glass, and I fell for it.

Your girlfriend told you that guy she was dancing with at the party was her brother? How could you fall for a story like that?

b. fall for 愛上;著迷(人或物)
When you suddenly feel a strong attraction to someone or something, you fall for that person or thing.

Jim met Sam’s sister last week, and now he calls her every day. I guess he really fell for her in a big way.

When I saw this house, I fell for it immediately, and I made an offer the same day.

--give in

a. give in (to) 屈服;投降;讓步
When someone pressures or forces you to do something or allow something even though you do not want to, you give in.

My son drove me crazy asking me to buy him a new bicycle, and I finally gave in.

The strike lasted for eight months, but the company never gave in to the worker’ demands.
