2007-03-16 14:36:15nick


--hear about

a. hear about 知道;聽聞;得知(人或事)
When you hear and learn information about someone or something, you hear about it.

Have you heard about the new Thai restaurant downtown?

I heard about the earthquake on CNN.
(我從 CNN 得知那場地震。)

--pull through

a. pull through 撐過去;度過危機(疾病、受傷等)
When you recover from a serious illness or injury, you pull through.

The doctor didn’t think his chances were very good, but he pulled though.

Erik is very sick, but he’s young and strong, so I’m sure he’ll pull through.

--stay off

a. stay off (與物)保持距離
When you stay off something, you don’t walk or sit on it.

You kids can play in the living room, but stay off the Persian rug.

What can I do to get my cat to stay off the kitchen counter?

--throw up

a. throw up 嘔吐
When people throw up, they vomit.

Alex was so sick that he threw up all over my shoes.

I feel like I’m going to throw up.

b. throw ... up 飛濺;噴散(泥沙、液體等)
When something causes small particles of dirt, dust, or a liquid to rise into the air, it throws them up.

Be careful with that chain saw─it’ll throw sawdust up in your eyes.

Don’t stand too close to the fire; it’s throwing up sparks.

