2005-03-08 11:59:38尚未設定




放工後就回家了, 好舒服呀.......

我買左范曉萱隻碟咁耐都未聽, 今日就決定好好地係屋企享受下....

Mavis真的好吸引....吸引是因為我覺得佢有自己的一套, 不隨波逐流, 當然都是因為她的聲音啦.......


"u a my sunshine" and "u a not my sunshine".....
我覺得好特別的是這2首其實都是同一首歌, 只是將佢改變了編曲, 就變了很大分別的歌.....
仲有....你聽的時候感覺到0個份強烈0既對比, 你就知道Mavis的內心.....

佢唱U're my sunshine的時候, 就好像一個小朋友, 唱出對愛情的渴慕...
唱U're not my sunshine的時候, 就好像一個發怒的人, 正在罵一個背叛愛情的人.....

You're my sunshine
You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

You are my sunshine my only sunshine
You make me happy when skies are gray
You'll never know dear how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away
Please don't take my sunshine away

You're Not My Sunshine
You're not my sunshine my fucXing sunshine
You always leave me without a sign
Ever you kiss me with full of feeling
You hurt me then say that no hard feeling

You're not my sunshine my fucXing sunshine
You always leave me without a sign
Ever you kiss me with full of feeling
You hurt me then say that no hard feeling

You hurt me then say that no hard feeling

You're not my sunshine my fucXing sunshine
You're not my sunshine
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