2008-02-24 17:09:26Ingrid Chen
我很好 我會很好 ... 像寶寶一樣舒服的sleep
why 我的第六感都只會在別人上產生效果!
Why 我..都完全失效!
很不舒服 很不舒服 真的很不是滋味.
why 我的第六感都只會在別人上產生效果!
Why 我..都完全失效!
很不舒服 很不舒服 真的很不是滋味.
可是,內心的空洞 會莫名其妙的跟我發出緊訊!
快不行 快崩潰.
昨天我病了喉嚨發炎了, 想吐 因為 ....半夜居然差點喘不過氣 (很久沒發生)
so awful ,但是i told ....myself hold on吧!
可是,內心的空洞 會莫名其妙的跟我發出緊訊!
快不行 快崩潰.
昨天我病了喉嚨發炎了, 想吐 因為 ....半夜居然差點喘不過氣 (很久沒發生)
so awful ,但是i told ....myself hold on吧!
don’t think about you can understand me now ..
Ingird already out of ur way .
we are so different now.
don’t give me so much stress
i’m tired .
when u got your happnese, i’m out . so that time i cried.im lose.
i always pretend i can be more happy then yours , yes i’m a good pretender . clown is me .
clown is me.
mind~ i mess it up .
what i want ?, someone i can care , or someone he or she can really care about me .
dude .. holy shit . end .. i still nothing
can u feel me can u know me , do u know something is changed now ...
no u can’t
you really help me a lot . but i still stay in original ..life
i know , wrong
Ingird already out of ur way .
we are so different now.
don’t give me so much stress
i’m tired .
when u got your happnese, i’m out . so that time i cried.im lose.
i always pretend i can be more happy then yours , yes i’m a good pretender . clown is me .
clown is me.
mind~ i mess it up .
what i want ?, someone i can care , or someone he or she can really care about me .
dude .. holy shit . end .. i still nothing
can u feel me can u know me , do u know something is changed now ...
no u can’t
you really help me a lot . but i still stay in original ..life
i know , wrong
第一張的取景很棒ㄝ 看的我也想睡了