2017-11-07 03:00:00frank

從岸上跳,基本是做一個「魚躍」的動作,軌跡會是有一點向上、向前的拋物線;而直接前衝,然後收下巴、腰部收縮,我總無法在入水前把手伸到前方,做一個 "streamline position" 入水。 新蓋的游泳池幾乎都不設 "starting block" 了,而舊有的泳池,也在改裝後拆除了水泥製的 starting block,好讓泳池更適合運動休閒之用。更別說幾乎所有的游泳池都嚴禁跳水了!所以,要練這項技術真是困難啊!
Competitive Start
Quite a simple way to explain how to make a competitive start.
I tried few times to dive from the deck, but I felt the deck might not be high enough for one to dive this way, the competitive start (or slingshot dive). While doing the tight streamline in the air maintaining almost horizontal to the water surface, if dived from the deck, there is not sufficient clearance below allowing one to enter the water in a nice position but rather with either belly flop or most likely "thighs" flop. So, it's advisable to practice this technique at the pool with diving block or stand.
It's not easy to find a pool that allows one to practice diving here in Taipei, nor in Tokyo (one can dive at Toshimaen). Diving is prohibited in the most pools, besides there is no starting block installed at the pool side, either. Before you find a pool that you can practice, why not try "mind exercise", watching videos several times and visualizing yourself diving from the block? If you are lucky enough to have a pool to practice, this "mind exercise" also helps a lot!
By the way, in the video, the male swimmer performed better dive than the female one.
如果把選手從 starting block 跳水的連續動作圖標上相當於從池岸(deck)跳水的水位高度,很明顯的可以發現:池岸跳水的高度不足以做出競技跳水的動作。見下圖。