2011-07-24 14:01:38Momo~

Gastown and Canada place~


Gastown is a very distinct part of the city. It's Old World charm is a major tourist attraction.

 The area is named for 'Gassy' Jack Deighton, a saloon owner and original settler.

Here you will find attractions ranging from the banal to sublime. Important galleries with superb Native art and sculpture can be right next to a shop hawking colourful T-shirts and postcards. Several shops feature Cuban cigars, readily available in Canada.


Just relaxing! 

Cruise Ship Terminal

Cruise Ship Terminal

 Beautiful view of the cruise ship terminal at Canada Place. This is also the location of the Vancouver Convention and Exhibition Centre. The upscale Pan Pacific Hotel is part of Canada Place. The World Trade Center Vancouver has its home here - it is affiliated with 320 World Trade Centres in 97 countries around the globe. Canada Place features a large IMAX theatre. David stopped to admire the sign at the entrance.

Walking east from Canada Place, almost next door is the very tall office tower at Granville Square (at the north end of the Granville Street Walk). There are wonderful views over the water, and places to sit. The Port of Vancouver Authority is headquartered here - they offer live views of the harbour via Webcams. Bill contemplated climbing on one of the large wooden structures celebrating British Columbia's large forest industry.


window shopping~

 Gastown and Canada place

2011 07 22