2010-10-02 14:29:54Momo~

Yogen fruz~


In 1986, two young brothers opened a revolutionary frozen yogurt retail concept in Toronto, Canada. It was a modest effort: a small store with an extraordinary product and a great design.

A concept was developed that provided consumers a health experience unlike any they had tasted before. They immediately fell in love, and a strong following pursued.

Today, Yogen Früz has grown to be a world leader in the frozen yogurt category, with over 1200 locations operating in 25 countries around the world. Yogen Früz was recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine for its accomplishments and rated the number one Franchise in the World in 1999 among the Franchise 500.

Yogen Früz provides delicious and nutritious frozen desserts, just what you need to live a healthy and active lifestyle.

see more their photos on facebook~


 small cup$ 5.04 kiwi ..All nautral fresh forze furit~~

Yogen fruz~

info from



4700 Kingsway.Metro town.Vancouver