2010-08-24 13:03:05Momo~

Deer Lake B.B.Q. ~

周日的午後 在歌聲, 笑聲和祥和的友誼滋長下 度過歡樂又飽足的時光~

牧師說個小故事 惹得在場朋友都開懷大笑

每人帶一份餐點 一同愛心分享   不浪費 重環保是我們的原則

美麗廚娘 Linda講解如何做韓式烤肉



還有很多食譜 圖文並茂歐~

生菜夾韓國烤肉 再加上沾醬 比起在餐廳吃 美味多了 !

熱心的Linda 夫妻倆 用心的準備新鮮美味的食材  真是感謝!

醃肉的醬料 韓國超市可以買得到


沾肉用的 有辣與不辣兩種

烤肉分牛豬兩種 我不吃牛肉  但朋友說 牛肉味道也很棒! 

身材玲瓏有緻的美麗廚娘 Linda 與 延光老師  熱心為大家服務烤肉~ 

香味四溢 真是好吃又對味 !

還有烤花枝呢! 加上泡菜 ~~只能自行品嚐 無法言傳啦!

Deer Lake (British Columbia)

INFO From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Deer Lake is a lake in central Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada. Deer Lake is home to a wide variety of flora and fauna and features a number of walking trails. These trails connect the lake and its surrounding forests and fields to: a boat launch, picnic sites, a playground, washrooms, the Burnaby Art Gallery, Shadbolt Centre for the Arts, Burnaby Village Museum, and Century Gardens, as well as the surrounding community.



The north side of Deer Lake Park, with Deer Lake at its centre, is home to several Arts and Culture destinations. The Burnaby Art Gallery, housed at Ceperley Mansion, provides access to historical and contemporary art, cares for and manages the City of Burnaby Permanent Art Collection, and is said to be a haunted house.[citation needed] The Shadbolt Centre for the Arts is multi-purpose community arts facility provides public exhibitions, performances, festivals, and arts classes year-round. As well, concerts and festivals are held in the park immediately south of Shadbolt Centre. Burnaby Village Museum contains a combination of heritage and replica buildings depicting life in the region in the 1920s, and includes the vintage C. W. Parker Carousel.


Deer Lake Boat Rentals offers canoe, kayak, pedal boat, and rowboat rentals to the public during the summer months.


Deer Lake

Deer Lake and the surrounding park is a highly altered habitat. The vegetation natural to the area is temperate rainforest dominated by conifers such as Tsuga heterophylla, Pseudotsuga menziesii, and Thuja plicata. Most of this forest, whose trees were considered particularly tall for the Lower Mainland, was logged in the first few years of the 20th century[1]. While rainbow trout, sculpin, and crayfish were likely native to Deer Lake, most of the aquatic animals are introduced species. These invasive species include bullfrog, painted turtle, cutthroat trout, ictalurid catfish and carp.

The Legend of Deer Lake, as told by E. Pauline Johnson, is a Coast Salish tale about a hidden waterway between False Creek and Deer Lake[2]. It was discovered by a young Indian, the first chief Capilano, who speared a "king" harbour seal in False Creek with his elk antler spear with western red cedar line. The seal escaped through a hidden underground creek, and he spent months looking for it by the shore. One day he was "beckoned" inland by what turned out to be the flames of a forest fire. On the shore of Deer Lake he found the remains of the seal and recovered his spear, and with it, his prowess as a hunter.

Today there is a condominium development overlooking the lake where Oakalla Prison, a maximum security prison farm, once existed.

From Vancouver: TransCanada Highway 1, Exit 32 to Sprott St.
From East: TransCanada Highway 1, Exit 33 to Canada Way

- Parking in and around Deer Lake Park is limited. Utilizing transit or carpools to attend events is encouraged.
Limited public parking will be available on the day of the events at Burnaby City Hall.
Refer to Mapquest link left.

- All parking at Deer Lake Park, Shadbolt Centre and associated buildings will be restricted to production
and emergency vehicle parking only on the day of show.

- A section of the Shadbolt Centre's North Parking Lot will be available for vehicles displaying official
HC parking decals on a first come, first served basis.


Deer Lake B.B.Q. ~

2010.08.22  PHOTOS BY MOMO

Linda 2010-08-25 02:34:26

我不用在我ㄉ部落格介紹了 叫大家來看你ㄉ就行了