2009-08-15 09:21:22Momo~

The trip in Prince Rupert ~

Prince  Rupert 的古建築物

經過規劃的觀光區域 館方還提供市區觀光地圖

city hall

Prince  Rupert 目前是加拿大距離亞洲最近的港口

一年四季都能運輸貨物與食糧 故有些精明的生意人已經大量將土地購入


Cow Bay的禮品店 都是可愛的牛牛!

Information center外造型特殊的花架



當年許多華人離鄉背井到此打拼 留下的一些生活用品


不同部落的原住民 服飾與鞋子 顏色 都不同

也是頗有盛名的餐廳 據說預約了還得等上好久~

此地區的建築物與擺飾都經過精心規劃 顏色與路線都經過專人設計

Cow Bay

Prince Rupert’s heritage as a thriving fishing community is recalled in the Cow Bay Shopping District. During the days when salmon canneries thrived all along the surrounding coast, and so much fresh halibut was shipped from Prince Rupert that it was famous as the “Halibut Capital of the World,” this was the home of the “Mosquito Fleet.” These small fishing vessels, tugboats, mission boats, passenger launches and other vessels lay at the heart of northern life and commerce. Here in Cow Bay there were boatyards building new vessels, and a network of marine shops servicing the needs of the Mosquito Fleet.

Officially Cameron Cove, this part of Prince Rupert was once known as “Vickersville.” Squatters settled here in the days when the downtown was strictly controlled by the railroad company. When a dairy was opened here in 1909, there was no dock and the cattle had to swim ashore. The dairy didn’t last long—but the name Cow Bay survived and today has become a theme in a trendy shopping district.

Today Cow Bay is a waterfront area of historic buildings, many of them built on pilings over the water. Though visitors will still find working marine shops providing services for the commercial fleet, Cow Bay is a trendy shopping district where visitors can book area tours, visit a variety of boutiques, including souvenir and gift shops, or relax in one of several restaurants and coffee shops. The Atlin Terminal shopping centre features the Ice House Gallery, an artists’ cooperative where visitors can browse through a wide selection of works by local artists.



參觀罐頭工廠 看看前人如何再艱苦的環境下將漁獲一一變成鈔票~


信仰對當時收入不豐的外來移民  是一項很重要的精神食糧



1945年用的 菜單 好多價錢才幾十CENTS.

  Smile sea food cafe~
 Excellent home made food

我們點的海鮮拼盤~炸生蠔 干貝 鮮蝦 等~

波斯頓 soup~
座無虛席 只有我們是黑頭髮~~哈!

每到一個城市 都可以從information center 取得需要的免費的資訊解答


2009.08/07 Northwest BC.From Prince Rupert to Terrace.