2009-07-09 11:53:42Momo~



The Marine Building is a skyscraper located at 355 Burrard Street in downtown Vancouver, British Columbia Canada near the Financial District, designed by McCarter Nairne and Partners. It is renowned for its Art Deco details.

The brainchild of Lt. Commander J.W. Hobbs of Toronto, it was opened on 7 October 1930, and at 97.8m (22 floors) it was the tallest skyscraper in the city until 1939.[1] According to the architects, McCarter & Nairne, the building was intended to evoke "some great crag rising from the sea, clinging with sea flora and fauna, tinted in sea-green, touched with gold."[2] The building cost $2.3 million to build -- $1.1 million over budget -- but due to the Great Depression it was sold to the Guinness family of Ireland for only $900,000. The 2004 property assessment is $22 million.

 There was an observation deck, but during the depression in the 1930s the 25 cents admission price proved unaffordable for most. Currently, there are no public galleries in the building.

more info~


新鮮味美 服務佳 內部英式風格裝潢個與高挑的大廳

西裝筆挺的服務員為你服務 感覺很高級歐!

溫哥華唯一入選前十大美食的中式餐廳 ~海天皇宮

許多人士都非常喜愛的港式點心 晚餐則是單點菜或是選擇性桌菜

以海鮮餐點聞名 論用餐環境  在我去過的中餐館中“海天皇宮”是最好的

論服務品質 “海天皇宮”有專人伺候 周到殷勤 還有代客泊車 得分遙遙領先

論菜肴的刀功及烹飪 相對是最差的.故除非錢多多 不建議花高價在此用晚餐~


溫哥華飲食推鑑 ~ 海天皇宮

賣點: 海天皇宮名氣之大,視在乎他的客人是魯平、陳方安生、莎朗史東、成龍等貴客。店内堂有40尺特高樓底,加雕花橫梁,巨型水晶燈,不愧爲高官貴人食堂。而該店以粵菜爲主,有貴價貨魚翅鮑魚,便宜貨有小巧點心,樣樣齊全。
營業時間: 星期一至五11:00am-11:00pm 星期六、日及公衆假期10:30am-11:00pm
地址: 355 Burrard Street, Vancouver
電話: (604)688-8191

picture 2009.07.01



壯陽藥 2020-01-13 19:42:20



Richard 2009-07-09 22:49:21

What is the restaurant named?